Pregnancy is the most exceptional period of growth in a woman's life. This process of radical transformation is truly beautiful and amazing, but it is not always easy. As you prepare to bring new life into this world, your body, mind, and spirit need extra care and attention. Acupuncture naturally regulates hormones, balances the emotions, and relieves common pregnancy complaints. Regular acupuncture treatments help to maintain a healthy pregnancy and prepares your body for a healthy labor, delivery and postpartum recovery.
The postpartum period is often referred to as the 4th trimester of pregnancy. In our modern society this time for healing is often rushed and undervalued. Traditional Chinese Medicine places utmost importance on this sacred time for new mothers. This time is to be honored by resting, healing, eating nourishing meals and bonding with baby. Acupuncture & Chinese medicine play an integral role in helping new mothers heal and restore physical and emotional balance during this precious time.